Friday, September 21, 2018

Post #4

That was some kind of excitement on Monday! We are all safe and that's really all that matters. I am proud of your daughters and the way they weathered the storm.
It's been a full week, packed with laughter and learning. The girls are learning about disabilities and embracing the idea that there are no limits to what a person can do. Math review included several EdPuzzles about incredible individuals with disabilities. We started a new class read aloud, Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt. The protagonist in the story is a gifted girl who has a learning disability. Our Wednesday chapel was lead by Beth Wartick, pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tipton, Iowa. Rev. Wartick shared her life's journey with the girls. Her message was about accepting individual differences and loving who you are. You can read more about this inspirational woman here.

The girls completed their first writing lab. The paragraphs are on display in the hall. I'm observing the girls stretch their imagination and challenge themselves to improve their writing and push their creativity. They are always eager to share their writing and I love that they are confident and proud of their efforts. The finishing touches are being made on the summer reading project. Check out the completed Buncees. We are also finishing up the book project for our last read-aloud, The Hundred Dresses. Their creations are beautiful.  
The Wordly Wise quiz was completed independently this week. Quia is our assessment tool. The Fourthie teachers will be building a digital- "How To" library for parents. Each video clip will explain a tool that we use with the girls. The first clip shows how to access your daughter's Quia account to review her vocabulary progress.

Before we begin math, I'll ask a student her first name, birthday, or any question that demonstrates automaticity. Then I explain to the girls that by the end of fourth grade they should be able to demonstrate fact recall the same way they can answer a simple question. Rapid fact recall is essential. There are MANY places on our Fourthie site to practice and the paper donut works great too. Thanks in advance for stressing the importance of automaticity in regards to basic facts. We are wrapping up the first math unit. We spent a good amount of time working with order of operations. We use the acronym- GEMS.  So naturally we had to add a little "bling" to this math tool.
This class loves our Personalized Learning block. They are researching, collaborating, designing, and exploring areas of interest. In additional to our structured block of Personalized Learning, I pointed out several enrichment opportunities for the girls. 

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needing a parent response is highlighted.
* We have decided to cancel our Parent Technology Night since attendance was going to be sparse. We want to keep everyone in the loop regarding our instructional technology practices in fourth grade. So be on the look out for weekly "How To" videos. 
* Science Atom Project due: Friday, Oct. 12th (projects guidelines were distributed in science class on Friday)
Homework- Posted for family planning
* Blessing of the Animals- 10/1 @ 8:15 on The Green
* Special Week Girl- Please choose a week so we can celebrate your daughter.
Carpool Helpers- Lucy and Lydia

Class Leadership Week of 9/24
Ambassadors- Kaylee and Chloe
Photographer- Sissi
Closers- Angelina and Isabella

Girls-Your blog question is.......In what state does Beth Wartick live? Post your answer here

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