Friday, November 16, 2018

Post #12

ERBs are coming to an end. We have one final test to complete on Monday. I am confident that these girls will finish with the same focus and positive attitude that they had when testing began. A HUGE thank you to the families (The Nguyens, The Parrinos, The Greens, The Turners, and The Liesfelds) who sent in class snacks. So thoughtful and dalicious! 

Each girl finished her multimedia book trailer, rated her book (on a scale of 1-5 popcorn bags), and projects were shared with all. Take a look at their creativity here

We moved into fractions and I explained to the girls that fraction concepts are taught a little differently in Singapore. We took the Singapore approach. We began by taking a look at our family and class and what a math sentence looks like when we say 11 of the Fourthies in M02 take band. From there the girls wrote factions about our class and their families. This generated a great deal of math talk about fractions and different ways to say and write them. Hmmm- if I didn't know any better, I would say that these girls understand equivalent fractions. 

The girls finished their fourth writing lab- by far their best writing. I'm seeing much more independence when it comes to editing and revising. Most girls were able to work on a character analysis activity using our class read aloud, Fish in a Tree. Many were so excited about the scholastic site that they created character trait charts for each other. We had some gloomy days this week and that dictated some "feel good" writing. Ask your daughter about her snow buddy and the kind words that were written about her by her snow buddy.

Our regular Fourthie routine will pick back up after Thanksgiving. It's going to be a busy four weeks!

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needing a parent response is highlighted.
 "Parent How To" videos. Click here and let me know if there is a tutorial you would like to see on our page.
St. Chris Math Expo- Tuesday Morning- Please wear Field Trip Attire and dress warmly as we will be walking.
Outreach Project- Canned Food Drive
Book Fair 11/28-11/30 Our class goes on 11/28 @ 3:10
Homework- Posted for family planning- NO Homework until after Thanksgiving
Carpool Helpers- Allie
*Special Week Girl- Kensie 
Class Leadership Week of 11/19
Ambassadors- Vivian and Blair
Closers- Angelina and Kensie
Girls-Your blog question is.......Why should you bundle up on Tuesday? Post your answer here.

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