Thursday, November 29, 2018

Post #13

Seriously- if you've never spent the weeks leading up to Christmas in the company of a room full of 9 and 10 years old, then you are missing out. The excitement is in everything that we do. The girls began each math lesson with a seasonal EdPuzzle. There's a lot of "oohing and ahhing" and an occasional sentimental tear. Here's an example: 
We worked with fractions using interactive websites and a mini project that has paved the way for a more complex activity next week. The girls are gaining confidence working with fractions and their mastery of these tough concepts is impressive. I hope you have noticed that we don't use many worksheets in Room M02. The old grayscale worksheet doesn't cut it in today's brilliant, technicolor world. They also don't promote critical thinking (and don't even get me started on the boredom factor). Our girls deserve so much more. So.... I need to explain the math worksheets that you will be seeing in greater abundance. The girls have "Cubby Christmas Trees" and they will be adorned with mathaments (math+ornaments) during the next several weeks. The girls are earning mathaments by successfully completing math problems (yes, on grayscale worksheets) but I promise they are engaged in math and having fun. Each Cubby Tree was topped with an "Angel Math Chick" (thanks for the idea Vivian), so adorable. 
One last math note, I hope your daughter told you about our Math Expo at St. Chris. If only I could have recorded the event. I was so impressed with the girls and the way they engaged with the boys. Their shyness disappeared when it came time for the business of math. I overheard one boy comment about his partner, "She doesn't need a white board. She does everything in her head and she's fast and she's right!" 

This week's writing lab (which will span several weeks) started with a partner interview with girls from Mrs. Cavallo's class. We talked about how to phrase a question to encourage a detailed response. The girls had fun interviewing each other and taking notes. Next week the girls will practice their summarizing skills and write about their partner. There's an additional piece to this activity that will place the girls on the cover of a magazine. Stay tuned. 

The girls earned their second compliment celebration. Several wanted a class slumber party. I let them down gently:) They voted for a Secret Santa gift exchange. Each girl should bring a wrapped gift ($5) limit to put under our class tree. The gift exchange will happen on Tuesday, December 18th. They may bring in the gifts anytime.

We will be working on only one Wordly Wise list (#7) until the new year. There are so many writing, reading, and enrichment activities with our Wordly Wise program, that there is no need to rush. 

Please consider participating in the Lower School Christmas Service project. Details went home in the girls' work folders. Our class has been asked to bring in gifts for a boy age 15 and up.

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needing a parent response is highlighted.
 "Parent How To" videos. Click here and let me know if there is a tutorial you would like to see on our page.
Christmas Gift Service- The morning of December 19th (more details to come)
Carpool Helpers- Kaylee and Lura
*Special Week Girl- Lucy
Class Leadership Week of 12/3
Ambassadors- Lucy and Lauren
Closers- Sissi and Kaylee
Girls-Your blog question is.......Why all these math worksheets? Write a one word reason. Post your answer here.

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