Friday, February 1, 2019

Post #21

February is Black History Month, so we began Friday morning with a Cluster Chapel with the third grade girls. Mr. Tullner gathered mini-biographies of prominent black women. The girls read and shared information about these women. A Newsela text set has been set up for the girls to read and learn about the contributions and struggles of black individuals throughout history. Look for more activities throughout the month.

We wrapped up the first decade of the 20th century and will move into the 1910's next week. Most girls (the others will complete next week) finished their earthquake documentaries. Take a look here: San Fransisco Earthquake

The girls were on fire this week during math activities. They are multiplying fractions and had some fun with finding the fraction of a number. I put the girls to work and had them create "fraction of" questions for each other. We used one of our favorite sites- Emojis. Here are a few examples:
Their mini-fraction project this week featured "Just a Spoonful of Sugar." This activity involved equivalent fractions and understanding the value of a numerator as it relates to "real estate." It also included some creative writing. Both mini-projects are in your daughter's work folder. Math came to an end this week with a Super Bowl commercial:

This week's writing lab was all about friendship. In fact, we are in the friendship business. The girls brainstormed the meaning of friendship and then the creativity began. Each girl designed a machine that promotes, fosters, and encourages friendship. They are putting the finishing touches on their machines and will write about them next week. They will be the CEO, manager, owner, etc. of the company that produces these machines. Naturally the girls will need their own business cards. Stay tuned.

Finally, we had a few breaks from the routine this week. On Monday, the girls were treated to a guest author, Russell Ginns. Mr. Badar, US economics teachers, gave the girls some pointers on profit, cost, and expenses to prepare them for the 3D sale during Reunion Weekend. We all enjoyed our time with our "Big Sisters" Thursday afternoon. The girls practiced their chapel for our 8th grade friends and the eighth graders gave great feedback. 

Nuts and Bolts:
Information needing a parent response is highlighted.
 "Parent How To" videos. Click here and let me know if there is a tutorial you would like to see on our page.
* Class Chapel is Monday, February 4th @ 8:15 in the Lower School Assembly Room (Chinese and Vietnamese New Year) The girls are encouraged to wear RED or YELLOW.

* The LS Outreach Project (collecting hand and foot warmers for Shepherd's Way) continues through Tuesday.
* "Growing up Healthy" Begins for the girls on February 11th. All details are here.
* Valentine's Day is coming soon. Girls should bring a collection box for their valentines. They can be as creative as they like. There will be time for them to circulate to the other classes to deliver cards, etc.
* Please consider our play rehearsal schedule when making dental, doctor, etc. appointments for your daughter. Practice begins on 3/22.
Class Leadership Week of 2/4
Special Week Girl- Ruby
Ambassadors- Kensie and Ellie
Closers- Lucy and Ruby
Girls-Your blog question is.......When does "Growing up Healthy" begin? Post your answer here.

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