Friday, May 3, 2019

Post #33

100 Class Compliments- something to celebrate!!
Back on campus after our trip to Zazoli's. We brought Officer Snead with us as a special treat:) 
A good time was had by all (almost all, we missed Lucy but are happy she's felling better). I love being in public with these girls. They represent who we are as a school in the most beautiful way.

On the topic of celebrations....WOW! The girls went all out for my birthday. We had balloons, cupcakes, donuts, streamers, flowers and tons of fun. I feel so fortunate to be their teacher.

But really, the week including LEARNING
Most girls finished their decimal shopping project. They found some great sale items and learned how to work with "percentage off" kinds of questions. We are moving quickly through Unit Seven in math. They are using their tools and their calculations are ACCURATE! Decimal multiplication was introduced this week. The girls know the importance of estimating first and are having no problem determining decimal placement. On to dividing decimals next week.

We moved into the 1930's in History4Fourthies with a brief and somewhat complicated/confusing explanation of what caused The Great Depression. I assured the girls that they would delve deeper into this topic in later years. To help the girls have an understanding of key events, we began with an EdPuzzle about the Dust Bowl and worked in some math problem solving at the same time. Our next novel study will be The Home-Run King by Patricia McKissack. This is a great story about the superstars of the Negro Baseball League in the 1930's. 

There will be one more book project. The girls will create a dodecahedron ornament about their book of choice. Most of the project will be completed in class (including the assembly), but a few sides will be assigned as homework. 

We have a few more Wordly Wise lists to conquer before the end of the year. Wordly Wise has been in our fourth grade curriculum for many years. Every now again Wordly Wise comes up in conversation with a parent or faculty alum. Sometimes the comments are not very positive. A few have even described our Wordly Wise program as dull. Yes, Wordly Wise is a workbook but we kick it up, 21st century style: Flip grids, picture match-up, collaborative creative writing, digital flashcards, Kahoot- just to name a few. This week we played Quizlet Live. Dull? Hardly, take a look for yourself.

Nuts and Bolts: 
Information needing a parent response is highlighted.
Homework for family planning purposes.
* Middle School visit (5/8 from 9:00-1:00) The girls will get a bird's eye view of fifth grade.  
*Big Sister Lunch on the Green- 5/9 (A bag lunch will be provided for your daughter if she usually eats dining room food.)
* Lower School Book Fair (5/15 and 5/16)- Our class is going on Wednesday @3:10.
* Immigration Day- 5/17 (The girls will receive more details as the day approaches.)
* Final Assembly Information is here! Please be mindful of the rehearsal schedule if you need to make any appointments for your daughter:
Thursday, May 30 – Kenny Center
1:00 – 2:00
Friday, May 31 – Kenny Center
Monday, June 3 – Kenny Center
8:30 – 9:45
Tuesday, June 4 – Kenny Center

1:00 PM – LS Final Assembly

New York Times Best-selling author, Jessica Day George is coming to St. Catherine’s School on Wednesday, May 15 to speak to our 3rd and 4th grade students. She is the author of the new series, The Rose Legacy and the best-selling Tuesdays at the Castle series. She will be sharing her behind-the-scenes experiences with writing books, as well as the questions she asks to get her ideas.

We are offering the opportunity to purchase an autographed book for your child through our local children’s bookshop, bbgb books.   Orders are being handled online through their website, There you’ll find all of the books available along with prices. We are receiving a 15% discount on the books, so when ordering online, please use coupon code cats15. 
Please place your order by Monday, May 6thYou may call bbgb with any questions at 804.353.5675.

Class Leadership Week of 5/6
 Carpool Helpers- No one from M02
Special Week Girl- Angelina
Ambassadors- Chloe and Angelina
Closers- Lo and Ellie
Girls-Your blog question is.......What day do you visit Middle School? Post your answer here.

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