Friday, May 10, 2019

Post # 34

Math can be funny, right? It is if you are in the fourth grade. We are wrapping up Unit Seven in math. The girls are adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals. Their accuracy is impressive. So, I don't think they need a formal assessment. Instead the girls are moving through skill checks involving the four properties. One skill check is to create a meme that teaches a decimal/fraction fact. Here are a few examples from Ellie and Kensie:
The dining hall staff has asked the girls not to use the coffee stryrofoam cups. To keep "things real" the girls completed an Edpuzzle about the environmental cost of disposable cups. After solving the math problems, they dabbled with an augmented reality activity. Ask your daughter about the 3D Starbucks cup she designed for her cubby mate. For a girl who started teaching in the '70's, this augmented reality stuff is science fiction magic!

The girls had a taste of Middle School on Wednesday. And boy were they tired when they returned. They are excited about the freedom and some confessed they are a little afraid of the added responsibility. These girls will finish fourth grade strong and that will ensure a strong start in fifth grade. Do you have an Instagram account? Our girls were featured in the Big Sister Lunch date on Thursday. Angelina and Margaret went all out:

The girls love when we have a reader's theater during History4Fourthies. They "performed" a theater about The Great Depression. Later we focused on the Dust Bowl that devastated the mid-western states and explored more about Amelia Earhart. 

Most all of our creative writing is collaborative now. The girls love reading and commenting on each other's writing. I love the gentle way they offer feedback and encourage one another. Here's this week's 3WT- naturally it had a Mother's Day Connection.

The girls had fun preparing for Mother's Day. Be sure to ask your daughter for the treats she made for you at school. The girls all agreed that their moms would be perfect for this "Director of Operations" job. They wrote you a note about your qualifications for the Director job using Wordly Wise words.

Nuts and Bolts: 
Information needing a parent response is highlighted.
Homework for family planning purposes.
* Lower School Book Fair (5/15 and 5/16)- Our class is going on Wednesday @3:10.
* Immigration Day- 5/17 - The girls may come dressed in humble outfits and bring a meager snack. They will share information about the country they emigrated from.
* Final Assembly Information is here! Please be mindful of the rehearsal schedule if you need to make any appointments for your daughter:
Thursday, May 30 @ 1:00 – 2:00 – Kenny Center
Friday, May 31@ 9:00-10:00 – Kenny Center
Monday, June 3 @ 8:30 – 9:45 – Kenny Center
Tuesday, June 4 @ 1:00 LS Final Assembly – Kenny Center
* Last Outreach Project:

Class Leadership Week of 5/13
 Carpool Helpers- No one from M02
Special Week Girl- Angelina

Ambassadors- Izzy and Lydia

Photographer- Lo
Closers- Allie and Ginny
Girls-Your blog question is.......When do we go to the Book Fair? Post your answer here.

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